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Does Kerosene Freeze?

Does Kerosene Freeze?

In contrast to gasoline, kerosene does not "freeze" under cold temperatures. It also does not evaporate. This helps people feel confident that their supply of kerosene will last a long time while in storage. 

There is no special treatment required to store kerosene either. If left in a clean, tight container with ideal temperatures (above -40°C to -50°C), kerosene will remain stable.

Sunnyside 700G1 1-Gallon Kerosene Fuel

Uses For Kerosene

Using kerosene as a fuel source has a wide variety of different uses. Here are a few key ways to use kerosene:

  • Heat your house
  • Light lamps
  • Cook food with camp stoves
  • Power large machinery (refrigerators, large stoves, & tractors)

Kerosene vs Gasoline or Propane

When looking for the right fuel source to store for emergency prep, kerosene often gets compared to gasoline or propane. Here are a few important comparisons:

Kerosene in comparison to gasoline or propane

  • Does not catch fire
  • Does not explode
  • Acts as an oil

How To Store Kerosene

The following YouTube video goes over a few kerosene storage tips, and the reasons why you should store kerosene when building your emergency prep kit:

As you can see, the video suggests to store kerosene in clean barrels tucked away in a locked shed. It's a good idea to leave access for a truck hose to refill your tanks. Buying in bulk from a fuel truck can be a fantastic way to save money on kerosene.


During any type of natural disaster, you'll want to have a good amount of kerosene. Whether it be a hurricane, earthquake, ice storm, or anything else. Although storing kerosene is not ideal for everyone, it can provide energy and light in times of need. It's always better to be ready with good storage and preparation.