If you plan on camping out in the woods during cold weather, you’ll want to be nice and toasty. Packing suitable gear for protection from the cold can be crucial. It's important for staying safe in the outdoors. That may be for snow, rain, or any temp below a comfortable climate. If you go tent camping, then using a tent heater may be a great option to stay warm.
Here's a quick list of our top picks for the best tent heaters:
Who Needs To Use A Tent Heater?
Anyone who spends time outside or would like to stay warm in the cold could use a decent tent heater. These heaters work great for their excellent level of convenience. They work for any room or space that could use a little extra heat. Additionally, the insulation inside most tents may not be the best. Keeping a tent heater handy can prevent any risks for hypothermia. Not to mention, it makes winter camping a lot more enjoyable.
The following YouTube video explains how to use a tent heater:
How Does A Tent Heater Work?
Tent heaters work by emitting radiant heat. They work via a ceramic burner tile and oxygen to generate heat. Some get power through propane gas, yet others get power through electricity. Some even have adapters to give both options depending on the situation. Yet no matter the location, it’s also important to consider the space heater safety tips. As long as you follow these tips you’ll stay safe with your camping tent heater.
How Do I Choose A Tent Heater?
One of the most important parts of choosing a tent heater, is to pick one with your desired size. Smaller heaters work better for smaller tents or even a working area for cooking. In contrast, larger heaters work best for bigger tents with extra square feet. Any size will do the job, it depends on how large your space is, and how much heat you need.
Buy a tent safe heater with your desired power method. Each kind of heater will need different power. If electricity is available to you while camping, then go for an electric tent heater. For those primitive camping, or those looking for more heat, then you can use a propane tent heater.
Choose a tent warmer that is well made so it lasts. Your heater will endure a lot of wear when using it over time, so it needs to be durable. Additionally, you want it to survive any bumps or dings while not in use.
Below is a checklist of things to look for when choosing a tent heater:
- Ensure the heater has your desired size.
- Buy a heater with your ideal power method.
- Choose a tent heater that is well made.
What Is The Best Tent Heater?
We’ve looked at a range of tent heaters that work for all types of environments and have selected five heaters. The main things we’ve looked at are quality, price, and power style. We’ve reviewed these five tent heaters and listed some pros and cons for each heater.

our #1 rated
The Mr. Heater Portable Buddy is available in two sizes and colors. This portable gas heater for camping allows for heat to disperse in a room. The heater features an auto shut-off if tipped over or detects low oxygen levels. Additionally the heater contains a fold-down handle, and swivel-out regulator.
Customers who purchased this heater liked the large level of warmth it provided. People said that it allowed them to get dressed in a warm tent, without feeling rushed to beat the cold. Customers also said that it’s a great way to stay warm while on camping trips.
Some customers who used this heater said that the only drawback would be the exposed flame. A few customers who used this said that the knob would get stuck in the on position. Some people also said that the heater was not as effective in the outdoors, yet works well in a camper.

our #2 rated
The Big Buddy from Mr. Heater is a portable propane heater that works both indoors and outdoors. It’s a larger version of the Portable Buddy, and provides more heat. This heater also has the auto shut-off mode and detects for low oxygen levels.
Customers who purchased this heater said that it’s great for large rooms to keep it warm. Some customers also said that the wire cage protects you from the ceramic elements. Other customers commented that the heater makes camping in the winter bearable.
Some people who purchased this heater said that the bump feature can be annoying as it’s very touchy. Others reported that the smaller propane bottles do go quick in use. A few customers also said that it can be dangerous if used inside a small space.

our #3 rated
This Little Buddy made by Mr. Heater is available as the handheld version of the larger buddies. This heater features heat for rooms of up to 95 square feet. It also has a simple on/off button, along with use of a 1-pound propane cylinder. Additionally, the heater features both the low-oxygen sensor and tip-over safety.
Customers who purchased this heater said that it works very well to make a tent nice and warm. People said that they liked the low oxygen and tip sensor, in case anything happens. Many customers found the level of warmth out of the small heater quite impressive.
A few customers who purchased this heater said that it took too long to fire up and ignite. Other customers reported that the slightest of motion will turn it off when not on a platform. Some people also said that it’s a bit large and not portable to fit for backpacking.

our #4 rated
The Texsport propane heater is available in pack options along with fuel. The heater features stainless steel covers for safety. It also has an auto shut-off fuel valve if the flame goes out. Additionally, the heater has a large paddle base and safety grid.
Customers who purchased this heater that it makes it easy to endure the cold nights. People said that it heats up quick and warms a tent or small space well. Customers also commented that the heater has a convenient and lightweight build.
Other people who used this heater said that it doesn’t have a built in starter. Customers also said that it can be a bit fragile. Some customers also said they would have liked if it had a rotating head.

our #5 rated
This electric tent heater made by Lasko is available in one size and two color options to choose from. The space heater features 3 fan modes for small areas. It also comes with an adjustable thermostat with 11 temperature settings. Additionally, the heater has a convenient carry handle and works only by plugging it in.
People who purchased this heater said that it gives off a lot of heat while in bed. Customers said that it works well without much noise from it at all. Customers also said that it keeps an area warm all night even for being quite a small heater.
Some customers who used this heater said that it fell over and left some burn marks. Many customers reported to not leave it unattended as it can be dangerous. Other people also said that the heater’s temperature settings are not specific.
Our Choice
Each tent heater we’ve reviewed works for those looking to keep their tent warm for winter camping. All the heaters have decent materials, warm fans, and a portable size.
After comparing all the products the best tent heater is the Mr. Heater Portable Buddy.
This heater is both large and portable, making it perfect for those looking for extra heat. It can work both indoors and outdoors for versatile uses. We also like the fact that the heater has many accessory options for even more capabilities.