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Are Golf Cart Keys Universal?

Are Golf Cart Keys Universal?

Who doesn’t own a bunch of keys that they’ve once misplaced and couldn’t find? We’ve all done that, whether it’s your house, car, or office keys.

However, in most cases, there’s a replacement key, or there’s someone who has an extra key you can temporarily use. But what about golf carts? Are golf cart keys universal?

It’s uncommon for a golfer to lose or misplace the key to the golf cart. If this happens, you’ll struggle to start your cart, and it won’t be that fun, especially if you’re already in the middle of a game on the golf course. So, can you borrow someone else’s key to start your cart?

Keep reading to learn more about golf cart keys and how you can start your cart without one.

Are Golf Cart Keys Universal?

If you happen to lose your keys frequently, then this question must have crossed your mind. So, are golf cart keys universal? If you lose yours, can you borrow someone else’s key to start your cart?

The answer is yes and no. Golf cart keys are universal to an extent. Most of the carts manufactured by the same manufacturer will use the same key or a key that’s quite similar, so you can easily borrow one to start your cart if you lose the original key.

However, in some cases, the keys are restricted to specific models or years. So if your cart is too old or too new, it might not be compatible with another cart’s key from the same brand. In this case, if you lose your key, you have no other option but to get a replacement one from the manufacturer.

How Universal Are Golf Carts?

As mentioned previously, a golf cart manufacturer will issue different models, and in some cases, you can swap keys between models if you happen to lose yours. Yet, there are some restrictions between other golf cart manufacturers.


E-Z-Go is an old and reliable American manufacturer that has been manufacturing high-quality carts since 1954. All TXT models from this brand, starting with the ones manufactured in 1976, share the same key. This means that you and your dad might swap keys if one of you loses theirs. These carts need keys numbered 17063G1.

However, the RXV or gas carts from the same brand use different keys. So if you have a TXT cart, the keys won’t be compatible with the other models, although they’re both E-Z-Go carts. These newer models were manufactured in 2008 and beyond, and they need keys numbered 606993 to function.

Club Car

Club Car produces reliable electric and gas-powered golf carts and has been a favorite among avid golfers since 1958. This brand tried to make life easier for those who buy its carts, so all carts manufactured in 1982 and beyond will use similar keys.

So, what if you have an older model? If you have a cart that’s already more than 40 years old, then it’s probably not working. However, if it’s still functioning, then you might have to change the ignition switch if you need a new key.


The Japanese motor company was established in 1955, and after a while, it began producing high-quality golf carts that became popular across the whole world. These carts are slightly different because the manufacturer takes the car’s model and the year of manufacture into consideration.

There are two types of keys that work on Yamaha golf carts. The first is compatible with some models like G1 and G2, in addition to later models like G9 and G11 carts, and the key’s number is J17-82511-yy, where the last two digits refer to the year of manufacturing.

Typically, most carts produced between 1985 and 1995 will use similar keys. The other type of keys works on electric and gas-powered carts, so they need different keys to operate.

How Can I Start My Golf Cart Without a Key?

Although you can start your golf cart by borrowing a key from someone else, sometimes getting one might not be accessible. This, however, doesn’t mean that you should leave your cart out in the open. Here’s what you can do if you can’t find the original key to your golf cart.

  • Order a new golf cart key from your cart’s manufacturer or dealership. It might take time to reach you, but it’s the most practical solution if you can’t find the original key.
  • Insert the tip of a screwdriver into the ignition slot. Move the tip up and down like you would turn a key until the cart starts.
  • Use the hot wiring method. This method works when there’s no access to a screwdriver, as you simply have to work the connections of the ignition switch, and the cart will start with no issues.

Does Having Universal Keys Mean that Anyone Can Steal My Golf Cart?

If someone knows that specific brand and model of your golf cart and they happen to have a similar key, they might be able to start it. However, to have access to this information, one should be quite knowledgeable about golf carts, or you might have shared this piece of information with them.

So, a good solution would be to keep the cart in a safe place. If you’re not using the cart, you need to keep it in the garage, as this will also protect it from the harsh weather conditions that might affect its engine and battery.

Installing an anti-theft alarm would be a good option to protect your cart. However, if you have one and you lose the key, you won’t be able to use a screwdriver to start it.

Wrap Up

Golf cart keys are universal if they belong to the same brand. However, some models might have different keys, and in this case, you need to find an alternative way to start your cart.

In most cases, you can use a screwdriver to start your cart. If this doesn’t work, you can manipulate the wires to operate it until you’re able to get a spare key.