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How Much Does a Brick Weigh? (Includes Formulas)

How Much Does a Brick Weigh? (Includes Formulas)

You can expect an average brick weight to be about 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg) for a standard red clay brick.

The standard size measures to be 8-inch by 2 1/4-inch by 4-inch.

Bricks are used as a building material for a variety of projects such as walls, fireplaces, patios, and walkways.

You may need to estimate the weight of bricks if you need to transport them.

Types of Bricks (with their weight)

The following chart features example weights of different types of bricks ranging from light to heavy. Here's the brick weight chart:

Brick Type


3.8 pounds (1.72 kg)


4.2 pounds (1.9 kg)


4.4 pounds (1.99 kg)

Engineer Kingsize

4.6 pounds (2.08 kg)


4.7 pounds (2.13 kg)


6 pounds (2.72 kg)


6.1 pounds (2.76 kg)

Engineer Norman

7 pounds (3.17 kg)

16" Modular

7.3 pounds (3.31 kg)

12" Utility

9.1 pounds (4.12 kg)

16" Utility

11.5 pounds (5.21 kg)


12.1 pounds (5.48 kg)

How To Calculate Brick Weight

To calculate brick weight, you'll need to use the following formula:

Weight = Volume x Density

  1. Measure the dimensions of your brick using a ruler. For example, suppose that the brick size is 8 by 2 by 4 inches.
  2. Multiply the length, width and height of the brick to calculate its volume. In the example, the volume of the brick is 8 x 2 x 4 = 64 cubic inches.
  3. Multiply the volume in cubic inches by 0.000016 to convert it to cubic meters. In the example, the brick volume is 64 x 0.000016 = 0.001024 cubic meters.
  4. Determine the density of your brick. In the example, the density of a common red brick is 1,922 kilograms per cubic meter.
  5. Multiply the volume by the density to calculate the brick weight. In the example, the weight is 0.001024 cubic meters x 1,922 kilograms/cubic meter = 1.968 kg.
  6. Multiply the weight in kilograms by 2.204 to convert it to pounds. In the example, the brick weight is 2.204 x 1.968 = 4.337 pounds.

To Conclude

The weight of a brick can vary from different brick manufacturers and companies. Each will have different values based upon the materials used in forming the brick itself. Generally, you can follow a weight chart or place the brick on a scale to get a more accurate measurement of how much your brick weighs.