You can expect most cases of beer to weigh around 20 pounds (9 kg). This would be for a 24 pack of 12 oz cans.
A single can of beer weighs about 0.78 lbs, depending on the density of the beer.
To achieve this calculation, and practical purposes beer weighs the same as water, which is 8.34 lb. per gallon.
There are 128 oz per gallon.
12/128 = 0.094 gallons/can.
0.094 gal x 8.34 lb/gal = 0.78 lbs,
24 x 0.78 lbs = 18.8 lbs without the container (bottle or can).
Case of Beer Cans vs Bottles Weight

A case of beer in cans will weigh significantly less than a case of beer in bottles. Here are the numbers to compare:
Approximate weight of a 24-pack of 12 oz canned beer: 20 lbs.
Approximate weight of a 24-pack of 12 oz bottled beer: 36 lbs.
As you increase the amount of beer carried, this difference can be quite dramatic. When going on hike carrying your beer, this will make all the change.
Not to mention, if you're carrying beer in a vehicle this will affect your overall carry weight for towing. Or if you're planning on shipping beer, cans will weigh much less and lower your overall costs.
5 Examples: Case of Beer Weight
To measure the weight of a case of beer, it's quite challenging to find the shipping weights online due to current alcohol purchasing laws. Instead, here's the example weights of five sodas and sparkling water which will weigh very similar to beer.
Drink/Company | Cans or Bottles? | Pack Weight |
Hansen's Cane Sugar Soda | Cans | 21.1 pounds |
Blue Sky Cane Sugar Co. | Cans | 22.2 pounds |
Perrier Sparkling Mineral Water | Bottles | 29.5 pounds |
Mexican Coke | Bottles | 34.6 pounds |
Mexican Fanta | Bottles | 34.8 pounds |
To Conclude
The weight of a case of beer can vary from different beer manufacturers and companies. This will have different values for each company based primarily on packaging. Once again these numbers are average calculations to help give a standard estimate when shipping or carrying beer.