When planning for your next outing it can be difficult to come up with ideas for outdoor activities. An outdoor activities list for any age, from kids to teens and adults, would be quite useful.
Summer, spring, fall, and winter, can be challenging to plan around. Yet, there are plenty of entertaining, affordable, and fun things to do outside that only require you to leave your home.
Not all the activities in this list require you to prepare for them. Many even work year round in some places. We here at Survival Tech Shop have compiled the best list of outdoor activities.
1. Camping

Camping is a classic outdoor activity that's fun for all ages. It's not too sporty and only involves finding a suitable campsite or campground with the right camping gear. This ranges from the bare minimum for survival camping, to everything you can imagine in the luxury RVs and motor-homes. There are many different types of camping to choose from, it's all about picking what's best for you.
2. Mountain Bikes

Many recreational activities include using a bike to get around. Mountain biking specifically is a great family activity with easier trails. If you want to step it up a notch, there's also plenty of hardcore trails for the adrenaline junkies out there.
3. Kayaking / Canoeing

Kayaking and canoeing are two of the most popular paddling activities out there for someone who wants to explore the outdoors. You can coast down a lazy river, or venture into whitewater for a thrilling experience. Every body of water offers something unique. Be sure to use a proper kayak PFD to stay safe!
4. Gardening

For one of the more relaxing outdoor activities, gardening hits the spot. Gardening provides growing and cultivating plants. You'll be able to grow flowers, foliage, and useful plants for spices and foods. As long you've got a green thumb, you'll be good to go in the garden.
5. Climbing

By using your hands and feet, climbing allows you to scale rocks and boulders and move up the surface. Rock climbing is the most popular form of climbing, although there are other types such as ice climbing and buildering (climbing on the outside of buildings). For all age groups, climbing offers so much choice when scaling each unique rock formation.
6. Swimming

Swimming is another classic outdoor activity that involves using self-propulsion to move a person through water. This could be for recreation, sport, exercise, or even survival. It's the perfect activity to cool off and enjoy time with friends or family.
7. Running

Running is an excellent way to stay in shape and get outdoors. You could take a jog through the park, in the woods, or in the city streets. It's up to you! As long as you stay hydrated and pace yourself, it's a great activity to do with minimal equipment.
8. Hiking

Hiking involves walking trails through nature. Many times you'll be able to sight-see along the way, and get in some good exercise. Be prepared for any wildlife you may encounter along the way depending on how remote the trail is. Overall, this is the perfect group outdoor activity to keep everyone motivated to reach the summit.
9. Photography

If you've got a great camera, photography is a great relaxing activity. Many times nature photography, or outdoor photography, will involve hiking up to a peak for the perfect shot. With such diversity taking photos can be an excellent activity for those with the artistic eye.
10. Snowboarding / Skiing

Adrenaline junkies line up for snowboarding and skiing every winter. It's one of the best ways to get outdoors during the cold season. Grab your snow gear and you'll be off to the races enjoying the slopes. It's another great outdoor activity for friends and family of all ages.
11. Yoga

The most peaceful activity of the list, yoga. Yoga offers a unique experience in the outdoors to get in sync with one's mind and body. It's a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that can improve flexibility and your overall health.
To Conclude
There are so many different outdoor activities to enjoy. It's all about finding which one suits your desires for the given season.