Propane heaters are dependable, efficient, and inexpensive. Although they’re mostly used in sheds, sun porches, and open spaces, some use them as temporary heating solutions inside their homes. But can you use a propane heater indoors? We’ve all heard of the dangers of mishandling propane and carbon monoxide poisoning, so being cautious is only fair. …
Avid campers who love being one with nature rely on their canvas tents for shelter and protection. While canvas tents can cost more than regular tents, they’re considered a good investment because they’re designed to last for many camping trips over the years. If you’re looking for a reliable tent, there are quite a few …
Are you wondering about the legalities of carrying a knife in Illinois? Then this is the article for you. If you live in Illinois and plan to purchase a self-defense knife, there are several factors to keep in mind first. This post will discuss the basics of Illinois knife laws. What’s legal and what’s not? …
Hatchets and machetes are two different tools with two different purposes. Both are single-edged bladed weapons, so they’re often used interchangeably. However, each item outperforms the other in certain aspects and environments. This article will show you what tool to carry on your next trip. Hatchet vs machete; who’s the real winner? Let’s find out! …
A Jeep is one of the best vehicles for off-road adventures. This car is designed to withstand the harsh conditions and has a lot of ground clearance to move smoothly on challenging terrains. It also performs well in the city and has impressive towing capacities. However, a few add-ons will add to the value of …
Some of the most famous monstrous creatures on TV were created to look like horseshoe crabs, one of the oldest arthropods on earth that inhabit shallow water along the coasts of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and South Asia. Although their not-so-cute looks, some restaurants across North America, Thailand, and Malaysia have started serving horseshoe …
Did you know that more than 21 million houses in the US now use septic systems? Although the alternative draining system wasn’t well-known until the ‘90s, it’s now taking the US by a storm, especially in rural areas where it’s hard to install sewage piping. Septic systems drain the water and waste through a tank …
Do you ever have to cut down on the luggage you pack? Or are you afraid that your Subaru trunk will end up worn out by the endless cramming you have to do each trip? Imagine you don’t have to go through all that pain. Get that road trip going with all the people you …
Jeep Wranglers are the top choice for all off-road adventure lovers, so they feature unique traits that make them superior in less than perfect conditions. Whether you’re hiking, camping, exploring the deserts, or driving your Jeep to the beach, you need to make sure that it’s well-equipped to withstand these harsh conditions. The best part …
When you’re traveling on a boat, safety always comes first. There are several types of floatation devices that you can use while boating, and in this article, we’ll talk about Type IV PFD and its main advantage. What Are the Different Types of PFDs? PFDs or personal floatation devices are used to guarantee the safety …